Since I start college on Thursday, I'd thought I would write about what my feelings for college are.
First, this will be my first time away from my family. I won't be seeing my mom everyday now. It's very scary. I also won't know if I will make any friends at college.
Second, I will be busy a lot these days. For classes I'm taking Italian literature, writing, business, and graphic design. I'm really excited to take these classes. I also have to do a lot of studying. This is no walk in the park. By studying I will have to write my notes down. This is something I never done before.
Third will be keeping a schedule. This involves when to get up, when to eat, when to study, and when to have fun. I don't want to be like a chicken with it's head chopped off. No one wants to be that. Luckily my mom helped me arrange time management. So now it is not scary.
Besides these, I need to make some ground rules, like no partying or taking things teens give. That's the dangerous part of college.
Now that I told you about my plans, I actually looking forward to taking the next step in my life. The next four years will be the best of my life.